YWAM Asheville Blog

5 Reasons to do a DTS - YWAM Asheville

Written by Guest Author | Aug 29, 2022 6:59:35 PM


5 Reasons to do a DTS


So you might be thinking about applying for a YWAM DTS, or maybe you already have. You might also be thinking, “God has called me, but what am I getting myself into?” That’s totally valid, and there is so much to look forward to when applying to your Discipleship Training School.

YWAM’s motto is To Know God and Make God Known. Our entire foundation is built upon those words. That is our ultimate goal here is to make sure each person has a deep, personal relationship with God and to evangelize, starting with the one. But there is SO much more that comes out of a DTS than that– and here are just a few that I could think of. 


Reasons To Do A YWAM DTS 

1. Learn More About Other Nations and Cultures 

No matter where your DTS location or Outreach is, you’ll learn more about where you’re at and the people around you. Even I, who is from a small town right outside of Asheville and would visit Asheville frequently as a teenager, came to do my DTS at YWAM Asheville, and it really blew my mind how much I didn’t see in Asheville even though it was right in front of my eyes.

At DTS, you’ll learn how to get down and dirty and place yourself behind the scenes of wherever you’re at, you will also learn how to slow down and really see people as Jesus does instead of just glancing over the surface of the world. YWAM is full of diversity so you’ll live with other students and staff from all different cultures and backgrounds. 

2. Expand Your Knowledge of the Bible 

We get it, sometimes, when you explore the Bible on your own, it’s really difficult to understand. There are areas that seem intimidating and you don’t want to touch in fear of not being intelligent enough to understand. No worries! Our DTS curriculum is full of helpful ways and tools to help you better understand the Word.

We have an entire week dedicated to Biblical Overview, this week gives a simple, easy to follow, and enjoyable deep dive into the Bible. Students always say that this week is especially helpful in their faith journey. It opens your eyes to new things, and brings you to a higher level of understanding! 

3. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone 

It’s easy to keep your relationship with Jesus between you and Him. However, that’s not what God intended. He has called you to go out and make disciples, and that can’t happen if you’re not willing to do things that make you uncomfortable. As Christians, we’re not only called to be okay with discomfort but to seek it. Requirements of DTS include being flexible and willing to die to yourself and the comforts of your flesh. In your Discipleship Training, you’ll learn how to have the confidence in evangelism, spreading love, and preaching the gospel to every tribe, tongue and soul – you just have to ask yourself, is Jesus worth any awkwardness, criticism or judgment you may encounter? (The answer is, “heck yeah, He is.”) 

4. Grow deep, real connections with other Jesus lovers 

Being a Christian is hard, but being a Christian without a supportive community that shares your love, values, and beliefs is even harder. So here at YWAM, we are all about community, coming together from different cultures. Our hope is that you come and feel at home with the people around you. You deserve to feel loved, cherished, and worthy. Everyone who comes to DTS is so different yet we all have one thing in common: We love Jesus. 

5. Become a New Creation 

In Galatians 6, Paul talks about how religion, circumcision and all that other stuff don’t really matter, but what’s most important is whether or not we have become a New Creation. Meaning, we let our old selves die and allowed the Lord to transform us and make us new, pure, holy, and whole. This is the main reason I chose to do DTS. You might have a rough past and are new to Faith and Jesus and everything. You might have unprocessed with trauma, pain and shame. Or maybe you have just never known the Lord as your own Father, Friend, Counselor, etc. Whatever your story is, the Lord can redeem it. Whoever you are, you can grow even more. He wants to give you freedom. A YWAM DTS is a great place to start that process. 


It’s so hard to capture the essence of everything you’ll experience in your DTS- but trust me when I say that whatever the reason is that you’re doing a DTS, the Lord can do abundantly more than you can ask, think or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

We call DTS the pressure cooker for your faith, and after those five months you will leave with so much more knowledge, wisdom, passion, and excitement for life. If you believe that God is worth 5 months of your life, then surrender to Him and allow Him to show you what He’s capable of. This is just a starting point. Let Jesus take you on an adventure and apply for a DTS today.