YWAM Asheville Blog

5 Reasons To Travel Internationally

Written by Guest Author | Jul 19, 2024 5:44:21 PM


First of all, do it. If you have never traveled internationally and you are physically able, do it. Do not look back on your life and wish you had traveled, seen new places, met new people, and experienced a world outside of your own. I traveled internationally for the first time when I was twenty years old. I didn’t know much outside of American culture, worldview, food, and religions. I always thought that seeing the world was for others and thought I could never afford it. But then God said, “Go” and He provided every penny. India was the first nation I went to. I have never been the same since.


  1. Traveling internationally is the most exciting and fun thing I have ever done. If you love adventure, like to see new things and explore strange places, the nations are for you. People eat differently all over the world and it is incredible to broaden your palate by trying different foods around the world. Whether it is watching a herd of zebras run across African terrain; listening to the hum of the Himalayas, or experiencing Mount Kilimanjaro, nothing beats the sights you will see. Pictures are never enough.  


  1. There is something in learning about another person or nation’s culture that teaches us about God and reminds us that life is not about us. Our opinions of how we do life aren't always the best and never the only way to live. Different traditions and cultures, in my opinion, reflect the heart of God. There are things about God that we may never learn unless we view the world through the eyes of another with another culture. There are different ways to love people, to greet people, to laugh with people, communicate, and work. We will never know the expanse of the creativity of God until our feet leave our homeland.


  1. Did you know that the American way of doing church is not the only way? Did you know that the American way of doing church is not the best way of “doing church”? All around the world, there are thousands and thousands of people groups with Christians that speak different languages to God. He understands them all. There are countless ways to worship God and give to God. There is something holy that happens in your heart when you sense the presence of God in a room full of people singing in another tongue and dancing before the Lord in their traditional dances. Heaven will be filled with every tribe, nation, and tongue glorifying the Lord. And we can get a glimpse of the kingdom’s diversity and vibrance through international travel!


  1. Traveling internationally keeps us humble. Depending on where you go the reality of seeing beaten and bruised street kids line the roads because that’s where they sleep will remind you quickly the small things in life don’t matter and God may be calling you to more. Seeing that there are other ways to do church, family, work, school, politics, and friends reminds us we don’t have it all figured out and we desperately need God, who made the nations and speaks every language. Seeing poverty in ways you can’t imagine gives us a reality check to remind us to stop complaining and draws to the God who cares about the lives in need. 


  1. The things you learn about yourself, God, people, and the world will mark you in a way that shapes the way you live the rest of your days. Your love for others different from you will grow. Your desire to understand what matters most about the Church will lead you to worship more authentically. Your hunger to get to know God fully will override your willingness to settle with just knowing the “American God.” The joy of knowing people across the world is an experience that you cannot trade for anything. The excitement of seeing the beauty of God’s creation firsthand will only grow your love for the Creator himself. So what are you waiting for? Book the ticket now!


If you have a desire to see God’s hand in the nations of the world, do a Discipleship Training School with us! You will spend time learning all about God’s heart for His creation and get to see firsthand as an ambassador of His love.