YWAM Asheville Blog

5 Things I Learned in YWAM | YWAM Asheville

Written by Guest Author | Jan 9, 2021 5:10:10 PM

5 things I learned in YWAM


YWAM is a place where learning is limitless. YWAM Asheville has been a safe place for me to ask questions. To practice, fail, try again. And it’s a place I have learned invaluable lessons.

Here’s a few of my favorites.

1. The importance of community


“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.” 

Herman Melville


One of the things I hear from most YWAM alumni is that they miss the YWAM community and I completely understand why. We were not made to live this life alone. God created us for community. In YWAM I have found community that loves well, challenges you to be better, and is with you through it all.  The beauty of community is something we all crave, especially during the COVID pandemic…but it’s about more than just being around people. It’s about beeing seen, being cherished for who you really are, and being led to Jesus by friends daily. 

2. God is worthy of your “yes”



We all have those moments. The ones that are unforeseen invitations into something scary, but deep down we know it’s the best choice.

Saying yes to God will take you on an adventure of a lifetime.

My “yes lead me to the Himalayas of India. After giving God my “yes”, He began to unpack the path He has for me. I have experienced incredible highs and lows but through it all I have clung to my yes because God is faithful to turn it into something beautiful, EVERY TIME.

Think of the alternative. When we reject God’s invitations, we are actively choosing the lesser beauty. We are stating that we prefer mundane journeys and mediocre destinations. And often times, we end up regretting those decisions. Sometimes deeply. God’s not interested in punishing us for our mistakes. But in His graciousness, He will grant us the freedom to experience the consequences of our choices.  

His invitations are always to the best path possible.

3. Young people can lead


Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

1 Timothy 4:12


Leadership is typically granted based on seniority or age. But in YWAM I have learned, and witnessed firsthand, that you don’t have to be the oldest in the room or the one with the most experience to lead. As disciples of Jesus, God has called us all to be leaders. YWAM has taught me that Christlike leadership is marked with humility, willingness, sacrifice, and wisdom. Not age. So, when it’s your turn to step up and lead, regardless of age, lean into God for guidance, ask for wisdom, for humility, and discernentyou can do it, no matter your age!

4. God is the provider of all things, including finances


Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows

Matthew 10:29-31


Being a missionary and having to raise support can be a daunting task. It may seem like there is no financial stability, but God is the ultimate provider. What better stability can there be than God himself?! 

Being a missionary that raises 100% of my income from supporters has taught me so much about God’s role as provider. I’m incredily thankful to have had the life experiences that prove to me that HE is in control, not me. He is the giver. He is the Shepherd. 

It’s my job to be diligent and obedient and above reproach. But it is His job, and always will be His job, to lavish us with what we need.  

At YWAM Asheville I have been able to witness legacies…countless stories of God’s miracles, particularly around physical provision. Property, money, visas, airfare, food, guitars, diapers, manual labor…you name it! I’ve seen God provide some pretty incredible stuff, just in the nick of time.

5. God is not silent

God desires to be in communication with you. In fact, He speaks to us all the time, many times we just don’t realize it. When you quiet yourself before God and give him space to speak, He will! Perhaps not how we want Him to, or how we expect Him to, but He speaks. 

My time in YWAM has given me the tools I needed to not only recognize God’s voice, but to listen to it, dwell on it, and act on it. 

I have come to know the Lord as a very communicative, generous, thoughtful, and active God. He is full, overflowing in fact, with blessings to shower over His people. The most precious gifts He gives often come in the form of revelation, breakthrough, healing, perspective shift, or truth. When He speaks, He gives life. And that is His nature; to give life in abundance. Thus He speaks in abundance. 

Are you looking for a chance to experience MORE? More life, more Jesus, more freedom? Join us for our next Discipleship Training School. You’ll never be the same!