YWAM Asheville Blog

Benefits of a Smaller YWAM DTS

Written by Kaari Speer | Feb 5, 2024 6:36:31 PM

What is a YWAM DTS?

The Discipleship Training School (DTS) at YWAM Asheville is an opportunity for you to wholeheartedly pursue Jesus. A YWAM DTS is 5 months of life-changing training and missions. The DTS curriculum is designed to guide students through heart-level transformation while equipping them with practical tools to apply what they’ve learned for the rest of their lives.

You can discover your passions and contribution to God’s plans for the world through a YWAM DTS. A Discipleship Training School provides new perspectives on following Jesus for those who long for innovative ways of following him. Come be a part of this deeply transformational experience by doing a DTS at YWAM Asheville!

A YWAM Asheville DTS is a unique way for you to grow your faith, develop your ministry skills, and gain valuable cross-cultural experiences!

How big is a YWAM DTS?

The size of a YWAM DTS is different at every YWAM base! At a larger YWAM location, a DTS can be upwards of 50 people. Most YWAM locations, however, have DTS classes under 25 people. Each YWAM base is different, so make sure to keep an open mind before your DTS. Release your expectations to the Lord and trust Him to lead you to the best DTS location for you! 

Benefits of a smaller YWAM DTS

There is a huge variety when it comes to YWAM DTS. As mentioned before, some DTS classes are bigger than others. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of a smaller, more intimate YWAM DTS class size. At YWAM Asheville, our class sizes are typically under 25 students. This allows us to have a greater staff-to-student ratio. Why is this important? Two words: discipleship and community. 

We have found that the more access students have to their leaders, the greater the level of long-term transformation they are likely to experience. This is because they are given more opportunities to discuss what they are learning, struggling with, experiencing, and more. Having “one-on-one” conversations with a designated staff member gives DTS students a chance to thoroughly process what Jesus is doing within their hearts. 

Not only that, students can form deep bonded friendships with each other because of a tight-knit community. We believe that deep, heart-level change is a team sport. In other words, spiritual formation requires community! In a smaller community, it’s much harder to hide. You’re going to be KNOWN, SEEN, and LOVED by the people around you. You’re going to be intimately close with your DTS peers and staff. Though this may seem scary, letting trusted people into your life is key to Christian sanctification. 

“You will know as much of God, and only as much of God, as you are willing to put into practice.”
Eric Liddell, The Disciplines Of The Christian Life

A beautiful and terrifying aspect of a small discipleship community is that you will be called out and called higher. Thus, greater opportunities to put into practice the very truths you are learning. 

In the context of a smaller DTS, students also have more access to their teachers. It can be difficult to have a conversation with your lecture speaker in a larger setting. Here at YWAM Asheville, our speakers are available for questions and conversations during, in between, and often even after lectures. This is important because sometimes students have more private questions, or have complex ideas they want to discuss. 

“What makes authentic disciples is not visions, ecstasies, biblical mastery of chapter and verse, or spectacular success in the ministry, but a capacity for faithfulness. Buffeted by the fickle winds of failure, battered by their own unruly emotions, and bruised by rejection and ridicule, authentic disciples may have stumbled and frequently fallen, endured lapses and relapses, gotten handcuffed to the fleshpots and wandered into a far county. Yet, they kept coming back to Jesus.”
Brennan Manning, The Ragamuffin Gospel

In closing 

We are fans of a smaller DTS size. We believe it’s what many students need to experience all God has in store for them during DTS. If you feel like this might be the right DTS for you, visit our Discipleship Training School page to learn more and apply. It only takes a few minutes and it's free. Can’t wait to hear from you!