YWAM Asheville Blog

YWAM & Developing a Biblical World

Written by Kaari Speer | Jun 6, 2023 3:14:48 PM


How YWAM Helps Young Adults Develop A Biblical Worldview 



Having a Biblical worldview has never been easy. But now that social media, global news, cultural trends, and philosophies are constantly being spoon-fed to us through our phones 24/7, maintaining a perspective rooted in Scripture can feel next to impossible! Especially for young adults who grew up in the age of social media. 

Let’s talk about what a Biblical worldview means and how YWAM helps young adults navigate their ever-changing world using the lens of God’s unchanging word. 

What Does it Mean to Have a Biblical Worldview? 

Let’s begin by defining ‘worldview’. One’s worldview is the lens through which one sees the world around them, interprets information, and creates value systems. Our upbringing, cultural surroundings, a family of origin, traumatic events, positive and negative experiences … .all of these are like ingredients in the grand recipe of our worldview.

To have a Biblical worldview is to view and interpret the world around you through principles found in Scripture instead of limiting it to your own personal experience. The goal of having a Biblical worldview is not to erase or ignore your own experience but to learn to yield those aspects of your life to be guided and interpreted through a larger narrative; the Bible. 

For example, a person who has lived an experience of abuse at the hands of men may hold the worldview that all men are abusive or untrustworthy. A Biblical worldview does not negate or disqualify one’s experiences in life…but instead asks what the Bible might have to say on such a matter. 

This same individual with a Biblical worldview can begin to reshape their outlook, understanding from Biblical principles that the mistreatment of others is not a gender issue but a human race issue. That being said, the Bible demonstrates God’s hope for humanity, the innate goodness He places in them, and the ways His love heals those who have been abused or have abused others.

YWAM Asheville’s Approach to Developing a Biblical Worldview 

Youth With A Mission as a whole believes that there is no divide between sacred and secular. This means there are no areas of life and society that Biblical principles cannot transform. A Biblical worldview accepts that how we treat our waitress is just as holy as how we tithe to our local church…the integrity we show in our business practices is just as important as how we care for the needy. 

The music we listen to, the way we treat our bodies, the way we spend our time, our money, our social life, our leisure time, our politics, our values…all of it should be held in submission to the order of the Kingdom of God, and brought into alignment with God’s ideas for human thriving. 

Every aspect of life and community should be transformed as people with a Biblical worldview influence their surroundings. YWAM DTS schools train young people to see the world through the lens of unchanging truth, no matter how the world changes around them. 

The Seven Spheres of Influence 

These seven spheres exist in every society, from the most primitive stone-age tribes to the most sophisticated megacities. They include the areas of family, economy, government, religion, education, media, and celebration. 

The seven spheres are to every society what the basic biological systems are to the human body – an intrinsic part of God’s design, which gives life when functioning in a healthy manner. Since God is the designer of these spheres, it would be good for us to dedicate effort to understanding his purposes for each of them. 

No part of the human experience is to be lived outside of the bounds of God’s kingdom. We are to do all that we do “coram deo” – intentionally living our lives in the presence of God. This is because Jesus is and intends to be the Lord of all dimensions of our life, both private and public. 

Therefore, let us pray that God will teach us how to represent Him rightly in these different arenas of society. May these new understandings help us discover how we can faithfully walk in God’s purposes for every societal sphere of influence.”  – YWAM’s Four Legacy Words 

Ready for a Better Worldview? 

If you are ready to let the Lord reveal and remove the layers of pollution that cloud your worldview, consider participating in our next Discipleship Training School

A YWAM Asheville DTS will equip you to process the world around you in partnership with God, surrendered to His perspective and word. Our YWAM base is dedicated to holding the word of God as the standard by which we weigh and test all things. 

The DTS course schedule is designed to bring you into greater understanding of who Jesus is, what He is like, and how He has made you to partner with Him in bringing the Kingdom of God to earth. Have questions about the best YWAM locations, YWAM DTS cost, cheapest DTS options, or more? Get in contact with a YWAM DTS coach today to see how you can begin the journey of a lifetime!