I believe in the DTS. A YWAM Discipleship Training School is just what it says it is. It not only teaches one how to disciple the nations, it also (perhaps even more importantly) teaches one how to BE DISCIPLED. Why is this so critical? Isn’t our aim to reach the lost for Christ? Why worry about ourselves?
Indeed, Youth With A Mission’s goal is to send waves of missionaries into every corner of the world, to see the lost found, the hungry fed, the lonely met. But in order to sustainably do this, we must first learn to be continually molded into vessels capable of delivering His perfect peace. In order to be effective in the Christian life, let alone missions, we must never overlook our own heart for the sake of the nations. If the gospel isn’t radically real to us, if its stunning messages don’t awaken us first, we will fizzle out and be serving from numb hearts. And when this happens, which is sometimes inevitable, we must know how to be discipled, how to be led, and how to be helped.
We aren’t built to carry the Great Commission on our own strength, intellect, skills, or anointing. Through every step of our life, we must depend on the faith family to support us in many ways.
The DTS is a place that allows a young person to look in the mirror, for perhaps the first time, and analyze the scars, the beauty, the design, and the purpose of their being. During the DTS, you are able to ask the deep down questions, seek out the Face of Truth, develop your faith, and receive teaching from those who have gone before you.
During my DTS lecture phase, I was challenged to think differently, become aware of my assumptions and wrong beliefs about who God is, and face my fears about my future. The different speakers and topics that get addressed during DTS are specifically designed to draw the student into deeper trust in the Lord, and nothing short of that happened for me! When you are surrounded by new people, new ideas, new methods, new values, in a new place…you get pushed into the deep end of the pool of relying on Jesus. And the beauty of it is, you are in a group of other students going through the exact same thing. This leads to such incredible friendships and community. Some of my longest and closest friendships today began during DTS, over 12 years ago!
Then on outreach, everything gets amplified! Desperation for the voice of God becomes one of the hallmarks of your life because you are literally depending on His leadership every moment of every day. Outreach instilled in me a deep reliance on God’s voice, and a trust that when He speaks, His words are trustworthy, no matter how crazy it may seem. This short 2 month trip across the world taught me one of the most vital aspects of being a disciple of Jesus: listening and obeying my Shepherd’s voice.
In my DTS, I learned that my answers to my own questions would fall short every time. I need the wisdom of Scripture, the experience of my elders, the insight of my leaders and love of my peers to experience Christ. I learned that in order to grow into the woman I am made to be, I must have people around me speaking truth into my life, even when it isn’t what I want to hear. To lift my face when it has fallen, to breathe life into me when I’ve grown weary. The DTS taught me how to be discipled, how to be loved, and how to sustain a life of discipling others.
The truth is, becoming a disciple of Jesus takes a lifetime to figure out. But a YWAM DTS is honestly one of the very best tools out there that will enhance and deepen that journey in a very short amount of time. I believe in the Discipleship Training School for SO many reasons. It’s changed my life for the better, given me the spiritual tools I lacked as a young high school graduate, and I consider it a major moment in my life that God used to get me on the right path.
When it comes to choosing the best DTS location for you, I highly recommend not searching for the cheapest DTS only. Money is important, and God knows you need finances for tuition. But PLEASE let the Holy Spirit guide you in that decision making process. Lean into prayer and words of wisdom from others that know how to hear from God. And if you still need help, we are here! One of our DTS coaches would be pumped to walk with you through that process, and help you discern what the Lord is saying to you! We want you to be exactly where He’s calling you, wherever that may be.