
Hearing the Voice of God in Prayer

Hearing the voice of God in prayer requires intention, expression, and communication. Prayer is an invitation to hear God speak.



Hearing the Voice of God in Prayer


‘Spill el cafecito’ is the Latino way to say, “tell me all about it.” Do you remember times when you have invited friends, coworkers, or someone you just met to grab a coffee? It is a simple yet effective way to say, “I want time with you, to sit down, to get to know you, there are things I want to discuss with you.” The invitation tends to be exciting, and you may even start feeling anticipation about the conversation as it approaches. A coffee date is just a simple example of a relational invitation. It requires intentionality, expression, and communication. It is a request for an exchange. A call to share things about ourselves with each other.

Hearing God’s Voice

Hearing the voice of God in prayer requires the same exact things. Intention, expression, and communication. Prayer, too, is an invitation. God invites us to make room in our minds and hearts for His presence. And we invite God to speak and exist in whatever way He pleases, to make Himself known to us. It is intentional, and the good news about this is that His word promises us He will make himself available to us:

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.” John 16:13-15

I want to share with you some principles, or practical ways, you can develop an ear to hear the voice of God. Prayer will never look the same when you learn to recognize that He has been speaking to you all along! It will enable you to connect to the core and purpose of prayer.

Let’s start by defining prayer. I would say prayer is communion and communication between man and God. As we approach a posture of prayer, it helps to examine whether or not our hearts are fully available for Him. Do we need to reconcile any conflicts or issues that might come between us and others, or us and God? Taking the time to make your relationships with other people as healthy as possible will have an immense impact on your relationship with God as well. Things like bitterness, unforgiveness, offense, or hurt can cloud our ability to fully grasp God’s heart and will.

Another thing to consider doing when you pray is consciously setting aside your own thoughts and presumptions, in order to clear the slate for God to speak as He wants.

Engaging in spiritual warfare before you begin is important. Resist and disallow any strategies or opposition from the enemy that would block you from hearing with clarity.

As you shift into times of prayer, know that you can invite God’s presence with confidence and boldness. You don’t need to beg for Him to hear you, or plead for His willingness to dwell with you. You are His child! All authority in Heaven and on Earth was given to Jesus, and He shares it freely with us, His co-heirs. “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16. You can trust that He hears you when you speak to Him, and that He will respond.

We must understand God is a personal God. This implies he will speak to us in ways we can understand. There are many ways God communicates. He might speak through things like: Scripture, nature, dreams, creativity, music, movies, and people around you. As we mentioned in the book of John, he will guide us into all the truth. So it takes faith and obedience to receive all he brings to mind. It will take consistency, willingness, and patience to recognize His voice – just as in every relationship!

How Hearing God’s Voice Looks at YWAM Asheville

In Youth With A Mission, two of our foundational values are to hear the voice of God and practice worship and intercessory prayer. In the discipleship training school, known as a “DTS”, as well as all our YWAM courses, we include these practices in almost every aspect of life and decision-making. We want to hear and follow His direction in small and big matters! We take His word to heart, and put it into practice.

At YWAM Asheville, part of our DTS class curriculum is to take time to hear God in prayer for our schools and ministries. Joy Dawson and her teaching on principles for effective intercession have led us to another level of faith and purpose to pray for every tribe and nation, and every area of society.



To slow down and sit down in His presence can be one of the best ways to start making these disciplines a fuel for our walk in the promises of God. It can look dynamic, unique, and creative. I challenge you to give it a try, and make space for His voice to lead the way into every detail of your life, all in order to align your heart with His.


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