What is a YWAM DTS?
DTS is a time to let Jesus transform every part of your life, get out of your comfort zone, and be extra intentional with your spiritual formation. You will develop intimate friendships, experience worship, prayer, and intercession, and get to participate in local ministry. You’ll travel someplace new to tell and show people about Jesus, finally have time set aside to spend in the Bible, and find a safe place to ask questions and make mistakes. You’ll get world-class training on things you’ve been craving to know more about, and experience freedom and growth in ways you never knew possible…to say the least, a YWAM DTS is pretty incredible. But what should you be doing between being accepted into a DTS and arrival day? Here are some ways how you can prepare for a YWAM DTS.
Ways to prepare for your YWAM DTS

•Prepare your heart: DTS is all about transformation. You’ll have your assumptions, beliefs, worldview, and preferences stretched. Like REALLY stretched. DTS is designed to push you outside of ourself! You wouldn’t experience much transformation without a little discomfort. To prepare for this, take some time before DTS to lay down your expectations and rights. The best way to come to DTS is with a heart OPEN to whatever it is the Lord has in store for you. Are you ready to follow Him, no matter what? Spend time in prayer and ask God to reveal anything that you might have in your heart or life that is holding you back from Him.
•Prepare your mind: You are welcome at DTS just as you are! However, it might serve you to brush up on your Bible basics! Most DTSs include some form of Bible Overview during the lecture phase, and you’ll have an easier time following along if you have laid the foundation already. We are talking about anything too intense. If you are a total beginner, that's ok! A great place to start is The Bible Project. They make super enjoyable videos that give an overview of every book in the Bible, and several topical videos as well. You can also read through “Is That Really You God” by YWAM’s founder Loren Cunningham, and “Values Matter” by his wife and YWAM’s co-founder, Darlene Cunningham. These will give you a great idea of what YWAM is all about!
•Prepare your finances: Let’s face it. A YWAM DTS isn’t free. Most YWAM locations ask that you begin paying your tuition as soon as possible, so now is the time to prepare your finances. The majority of people do some form of fundraising to pay for their DTS tuition. The more you raise BEFORE your DTS, the less you’ll have to work on it during DTS. There are endless ways you can go about doing this. The internet is full of super creative ways to fundraise. Here’s a video we made with some ideas on fundraising for your DTS.
Here's a tip: Go the extra mile. A simple GoFundMe page probably won’t do as well as prayerfully planned and executed more personalized methods. Ask God for a strategy. Make it fun. Make it intentional. Don’t worry about being turned down. Just go for it!
•Prepare your belongings: If you haven’t gotten a DTS packing list already, here’s ours. Don’t feel like you need to buy all of this stuff, see if you can borrow some from friends and family. If you are on medications, make sure that your prescription will be refillable in your DTS location. If not, take extra with you! Make sure your passport isn’t going to expire anytime soon. Let your bank know about your travel plans. If you are bringing your car to DTS, look over your insurance to make sure you’re covered during your time away. If you’re traveling internationally for lecture phase, see if you will need a visa to get there.

If we had to recommend ONE way to prepare for your DTS it would be to prepare your heart for radical obedience. Those who come to DTS with walls up or are unwilling to change have a really hard time receiving the things God has for them. Now is the time to let Jesus prepare the soil of your heart for the seeds coming! If you have more questions about how you can prepare for your DTS, don’t hesitate to ask! If you’re looking for the best DTS location for you, learn about ours at YWAM Asheville here.