YWAM DTS: My Experience
My original reason for doing a Discipleship Training School was so different than what I ended up experiencing. I first chose to do a DTS because I wanted a speedy little Jesus pick me, a quick fix, nothing life-altering. I was not expecting a transformation from head to toe. I was not expecting to walk into a community of believers who love the Lord and each other so well. I was not expecting to make lifelong friendships with people I would never have met without a YWAM DTS. I was not expecting the Lord to break my heart for the nations and the people who have never heard of Him. I was not expecting the Lord to light a fire in my spirit for those who are trapped in the bondage of human trafficking. Most of all, I was not expecting to fall more in love with a God who loves and cares for me more than I could imagine. I was expecting to walk into a missions preparatory school to learn how to serve efficiently. Instead, the Lord completely rewired my understanding of His character, radically shifted my worldview, and gave me a lifelong zeal to serve those around me. Sounds pretty great, right? Well, let’s take a look at 4 reasons NOT to do a YWAM DTS.
Reason 1
You don’t want to grow in your relationship with God. You don’t want to be in a spiritual greenhouse where seeds come to produce fruit. During a DTS your faith is set on fire, in a good way. Sometimes it is painful and full of tears. But that’s because you are growing! You are spending 5 months solely focused on what God is doing in and through you! When else will you have so much time dedicated to seeking the Lord? DTS is not for you if you’re not interested in seeing that growth in your faith. If you’re not willing to lay your life down, be stretched, or learn from those who have gone before you. If you’re not interested in having your heart come alive by reading scripture, connecting with like-minded peers, or seeing miracles. It happens! I witnessed a mute mouth speak the name of Jesus. During my outreach in a sea gypsy village in Thailand, we met a woman who had lost her voice. We prayed with her multiple times and during our last meeting after praying with her she called on the name "Phra Yesu" (Jesus in Thai). So, if miracles and deep heart change aren’t you’re thing, don’t do a DTS.
Reason 2
You do not want to get cross-cultural experiences. YWAM is an international and interdenominational global missions movement. Which means you get to become friends with people from all across the world! Different cultures come together and join in on the call of the great commission together, while also going to foreign nations and being immersed in the culture so that you can better share the Gospel! If seeing the diversity of God’s creation, learning from others, and experiencing new things doesn’t excite you…don’t do a DTS.

Reason 3
You do not enjoy adventure. The adventures of a DTS are unique, mind-blowing, and memorable. Not only are you exploring new geographic locations and cultures, but you are also exploring more of who He is and the love He has for you! You are learning what His heart is and how to respond to the passions He gives you! During DTS, my perspective expanded SO much. Sometimes that comes from taking a step outside your comfort zone and stepping into the unknown. Doing things that don’t necessarily come naturally…so if you’d like to stay comfortable and complacent, don’t do a DTS.
Reason 4
You do not want to make lifelong friends and live in a Christ-centered community. There are serious benefits to having a solid community around you. During DTS you are learning with, hanging out with, doing evangelism with, cooking, and eating with the same people! You are doing life together! You become so close in such a short amount of time it feels like you have known each other forever. During these 5 months, you will make friends who will call you higher, hold you accountable, encourage you, accept you, and love you. So if you’d rather not belong to a community like that, don’t do a DTS.

So, should you do a DTS or not?
Whether or not you should do a DTS all comes down to this: is He calling you to do one? If so, you should ask yourself if you are ready to trust God with your life and willing to fully devote this season to growing with Him. All God is asking from you is an obedient yes and coming in with your hands held open to Him! If you are ready for that next step, send us an application. It only takes a few minutes and it’s 100% free. Can’t wait to hear from you!
Written by Kasstidy Tanniehill