A Message for Gen-Z: Taking a Leap of Faith

A poem inviting Gen-Z into the life they were made for, "Taking a Leap of Faith" by YWAM Asheville staff member Iyanna.

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What a time it is to be alive 

We have witnessed many life-changing events that have defined our history and shaped our lives

From the moment we were born, our lives have been mapped out before us

We are encouraged to follow the typical order of life:

Finish high school, graduate college, begin your career, and start a family. 

Constantly going through our days feeling weighed down by the expectations of society

Fearing the day we dare to break outside of the mold of normality

These milestones are precious but I am eagerly awaiting the day we can finally be free

Free from the smallness of our thinking and willing to ask God what he desires to see 


I believe a zealous generation is being birthed

Not out of rebellion but out of longing for something more

A generation that believes that there are new adventures to embark on and explore


The Lord is calling a generation that will respond to the Great Commission 

Proclaiming our allegiance to Jesus without delay or disobedience 

We can no longer afford to live with us on the throne

The world is waiting for a solution to sin and the answer is Jesus our cornerstone


We are called to preach the Gospel of Jesus to every nation, tribe, and tongue

A responsibility that falls on the elders of the church and those that are young

The world is waiting for an encounter with a love that never fails

 A hope that is unshakable 

A sustainable freedom that changes us from the inside out.

All desires only found in the author of life himself


We were created to be his ambassadors of light in the darkest of places 

Clothed in God’s armor to be used as a vessel

Fighting not against flesh and blood but against a real enemy that we wrestle

It will take all believers working together as one 

Walking out in boldness and confidence of who we have become

I invite you to step out in faith to a greater degree 

To proclaim liberty to the captives and set them free

Bringing them from death to life, shame to dignity


Where we are headed, fear cannot follow 

I invite you to become a witness to the only God with the power to save us from ourselves

In all the uncertainty of what our lives are to succumb to

I am sure of this: The world is waiting for you

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