
Story Behind The Photo: Carly-Beth

Carly-Beth shares some insight on the story behind the photo. Check out some of what she learned during her YWAM outreach!

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This moment might not necessarily be what you would expect. To be quite honest, on this day of outreach I was exhausted and in need of a second alone so I made an effort to escape the heat inside of the church. Agitated, I decided to go outside and sit on a rock. Right after I sat down and started writing my daily journal about what we did the day before and how I was seeing God in this location, a group of girls approached me. 

They said hello and asked me what my name was, then almost immediately, started looking at my journal. They were curious about what I was writing. One of them was very good at English and was able to read some of the things I was writing. They did not stay for long but I was able to read them some more of the things from my journal. Their curiosity was beautiful.

I was reminded of how much it matters how we act and what we say as foreigners and just Christians in general. You never know when people might be watching you and looking to see how you react in different situations as a Chrisitan. This is why it is so important for us to be asking the Holy Spirit to lead us and speak through us. God might be wanting to do something we couldn't have thought of on our own. Ultimately it’s all about Him and He will show us how to be an example to others when we are chasing Him. 

There were many moments on outreach when I was tired and my patience was tested. I found that some of the moments where I was most uncomfortable were the moments God taught me the most and I was blown away by Him and all He can do. God encouraged me while I was encouraging others countless times. He has so much He wants to do through us, and with a simple “yes, Lord” so much can be done for His Kingdom. Do not let fear hold you back from being who God intends for you to be. With Him, we can do numerous things we didn’t think possible. 

God was doing different things on each day of outreach. He was constantly revealing new things to me and opening my eyes to things I had never considered. Any sacrifice made for Him is always worth it. It was incredible to see Him moving and to be able to bring glory to Him. This photo was just one of several moments the Lord was teaching me and growing my heart for others and my love for this beautiful nation.

rch and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”


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