

YWAM DTS Requirements

Interested in doing a YWAM Discipleship Training School? Check out the requirements for participating in a YWAM DTS at YWAM Asheville.


Are Short-Term Mission Trips Beneficial?

Short-term mission trips’ aim is similar to long-term mission trips: to share the Gospel and meet needs... But are they beneficial?


Biblical Strength and Courage

Biblical examples of strength and courage look very different than how the world views strength and courage. Let’s look at the differences.


How Can DTS Help You Grow Spiritually?

Discipleship is at the core of a DTS. YWAM believes that a lifestyle of being discipled by God and by others is key to spiritual growth.


How to Get Involved in YWAM Mission Trips

We will discuss from the first steps of doing a YWAM missions trip, why we do missions, and where to start your missions journey.


What Obedience To God Really Means

Obedience to God is common and often misunderstood thing in our faith. So, what does obedience to God really mean?