Missions (3)


How to Get Involved in YWAM Mission Trips

We will discuss from the first steps of doing a YWAM missions trip, why we do missions, and where to start your missions journey.


What Obedience To God Really Means

Obedience to God is common and often misunderstood thing in our faith. So, what does obedience to God really mean?


5 Reasons to do a DTS

There are SO MANY reasons to do a YWAM DTS! Here are 5 popular reasons to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with YWAM.


Why I Believe In The DTS

A YWAM DTS is just what it says it is. It not only teaches one how to disciple the nations, it also teaches one how to BE DISCIPLED.


God and Human Trafficking

Human trafficking - one of the greatest horrors of our time. Where is God in the midst of such a horrendous, overwhelming injustice?


Understanding the True Meaning of Grace

What is the true meaning of grace? Free and unmerited favor of God as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowing of blessings.