Discipleship – A Journey of Purpose and Belonging
Discipleship means to be endlessly learning and growing in the Spirit - a journey of belonging and purpose.
Discipleship means to be endlessly learning and growing in the Spirit - a journey of belonging and purpose.
Discipleship is at the core of what we do at YWAM Asheville. Let's look at some core aspects of discipleship and how it looks here.
Short-term mission trips’ aim is similar to long-term mission trips: to share the Gospel and meet needs... But are they beneficial?
Biblical examples of strength and courage look very different than how the world views strength and courage. Let’s look at the differences.
Discipleship is at the core of a DTS. YWAM believes that a lifestyle of being discipled by God and by others is key to spiritual growth.
Do you have a genuine desire to know God and grow as a Christian? Here are three ways Christians can grow in their faith and walk with God.
Relationship with God means knowing Him, not just knowing about Him. Let's learn more about what it means to have a relationship with God!
We will discuss from the first steps of doing a YWAM missions trip, why we do missions, and where to start your missions journey.
Are faith and worship separate things, or are they connected? Learn about the important and central role of faith in worship.
The Bible emphasizes the importance of love as the foundation for healthy relationships. But what else does it say about relationships?